
Donate For Become A Member

If you are a photographer and want to become a member of APWA, then fill the registration form and submit it. For complete registration, pay the registration fee of Rs 250 and inform the number given on the contact page. After the registration is complete, you will be provided a card

Donate For The Needy

If you want to donate to needy people for their food, clothes, education, treatment then you can donate the amount as per your wish in the account given below.Your small effort will help in the progress of the country.

Account Detail

Asian Photographer Welfair Association

Account Number: 120028505353

IFSC Code: CNRB00005684

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take one step further to become a proud Member

It is expected from all the photographers that by becoming a member of Apwa they will provide help in strengthening their organization and will be able to keep their future secure.Click on the button given belowto become a member